Leo cursus a nibh Vestibulum interdum sit nisl est lorem augue. Adipiscing hendrerit cursus et at nunc id natoque vitae mattis vitae. Curabitur tristique laoreet ut ut odio Lorem ante Integer tincidunt in. Congue Sed est quis justo pellentesque neque…
Welcome to our team Quis non leo condimentum lacinia vestibulum justo malesuada Sed non pellentesque. Enim neque tortor mattis sed semper lorem tellus Phasellus eu nonummy. Vel Vestibulum leo hendrerit et mauris vitae consequat sem rutrum hac. Phasellus id cursus…
Module chrome is a term for PHP functions that provide some optional HTML markup in which the module code is placed. This is often called a wrapper for the module output. Module chrome allows template designers to have a certain…
Extensible markup language that defines a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. XML files are used in Joomla for installation files, options, and JForm forms.
It stands for Extensible hypertext markup language and is an application of XML. Most Joomla pages are based on XHTML.
A Joomla module that allows you to “wrap” directly other Web sites for display on your Joomla site at a specific location as determined by the Module Position and the Pages Items section. The web page is inserted as an…
The program that uses client/server models. It provides the communication between the browser on the client device and the server where the website files and database are stored. Joomla works with two leading web servers: Apache and Microsoft IIS (Microsoft's…
One of the elements of the model-view-controller design pattern used for Joomla core components. The view is responsible for generating output sent to the browser by the component. The base API class we use for views is called JView.
A link in the back-end that allow you to see what the front-end would look like while you’re still working in the back-end.
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